
Let’s see the magical spells now!!

  • Initiate our SDK by adding the following code snippet in your Application class


Note: Obtain the Teliver key from the dashboard, Use TLog.setVisible(true);to enable logging for development.

  • Next, setup the transmission for the operator app for whom the location has to be tracked.

Teliver.startTrip(new TripBuilder("Tracking_Id").build());

Note: The Tracking_Id here is your unique identifier for the trip; basically it’s just the order id or driver id in your system

  • Since our operator app is ready for transmission, we will now setup our consumer side to locate on map.

Teliver.startTracking(new TrackingBuilder(new MarkerOption("Tracking_Id")).build());

Note: The Tracking_Id here is same as the id you given in previous step of operator start trip.

Ref: The above view will appear on calling startTracking

Yay!! That’s all... Now you can track an Operator.

  • Stop Trip


Call this method with the tracking id to stop the trip on Operator side.

  • Stop Tracking


Call this method to stop tracking of Operator from Consumer side.

Last updated