
Now, let’s have a walkthrough of the other functionalities that could be performed.

  • Custom marker options

What if you want to set your own image, title for marker?

let startTracking = TeliverTracker.init(forTrackingId: "Tracking_Id", withCustomMessage: "Your_marker_Title", andWithCustomMarker: UIImage.init(named: "image")!)
Teliver.startTrackingFor(user: startTracking, withNavigationTitle: "Location Tracking")

Note: withNavigationTitle here sets your page title on tracking page

  • Multiple Operator Tracking

What if you want to track multiple operators?

Note: Multiple Operator tracking allowed only on paid plans

  • Get Location updates

What if you want just the location updates of each operator?

Implement the delegate ‘TeliverTrackingDelegate’ on your view controller and you will get the following methods for usage.

Last updated